Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 30/2014

Transnational 3D modeling, geopotential evaluation and active fault assessment in the Alpine Foreland Basins – the project GeoMol

Gerold W. Diepolder (a), Robert Pamer (b) & the GeoMol Team (c)
(a) GeoMol Coordination and Lead, Bavarian Environment Agency – Geological Survey, Haunstetter Strasse 112, 86161 Augsburg, Germany. E-mail: (b) Bavarian Environment Agency – Geological Survey, Haunstetter Strasse 112, 86161 Augsburg, Germany. E-mail: (c) The GeoMol seismic interpretation, 3D modeling and GST implementation teams as listed in the acknowledgments.

Volume: 30/2014
Pages: 19-23


The Alpine Foreland Basins bear a multitude of natural subsurface resources (geopotentials) which can contribute substantially to boost green energy. Sustainable planning and management of geopotentials requires a holistic, transnational and three-dimensional evaluation of the geological fundamentals. Facing different data availability and policy in the Geological Survey Organizations (GSOs) in charge, transnational collaboration calls for a maximum of coordination from the very beginning of the data preparation and the 3D modeling processes, based on concerted proceedings and best practice in seismic processing and interpretation, 3D modeling and geopotential assessment, and demands a geo data infrastructure for full interoperability among the partners and the dissemination of seamless results. This article outlines the objectives and scope of the GeoMol project and summarizes the state of the art of its achievements to provide cross-border harmonized information via a web accessible exchange and information system.


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