Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 4/2008

Struttura delle Vette Feltrine

Chiara D'Ambrogi (*) & Carlo Doglioni (**)
(*) Servizio Geologico d'Italia/Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo APAT, Via Curtatone 3, 00185 Roma. E-mail: (**) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza", Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma. E-mail:

Volume: 4/2008
Pages: 37-40


The Vette Feltrine are a part of the retrobelt of the Alpine orogen, i.e., the Southern Alps. The 3D reconstruction of the Vette Feltrine indicates a strong lateral variability of the folds and thrusts characterizing this part of the belt, whose thrusts are arranged with an imbricate fan geometry. The along strike variability is controlled by the inherited Permo-Mesozoic facies and structural heterogeneities that generated a number of transfer zones where the distance among the ramps of the thrusts varies. Similarly, the variation of the depth of the decollement of the different thrusts is expected, possibly characterized by an undulated shape. A minimum shortening of 6-7 km can be computed for this section of the retrobelt of the Alps.


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