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ISSN: 2035-8008
Impact Factor (2023): 0.4
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.4
Journal Citation Indicator (2023): 0.12; Rank by JIF (2023): Q4; Rank by IJCI (2023): Q4
CiteScore (2023): 0.8; SJR (2023): 0.191; SNIP (2023): 0.191

CiteScore rank 2022
Category: Geology; Rank: #251/321; Percentile: 21st



The Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana ETS aim to leave a record of the topics covered and the scientific works presented as "Short Notes" in conferences and meetings organized by the SGI, its Sections or other scientific Associations; since 2008 they have also hosted regular articles (Research articles), with scientific contributions from basic and applied geosciences. The publication of the works does not involve publication costs and it is possible to insert color figures/images.
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The texts are accepted and published preferably in English, to better contribute to the SGI's plan to encourage the diffusion of the many valuable activities of our scientific community abroad.

With the Online Reports the Society intends to give space to all the scientific activities carried out by the SGI sections, with particular attention to young people trying to establish themselves in the world of professional work and research. They are invited to collaborate with contributions and proposals, which will be held in the utmost consideration.