Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 22/2012

Analisi strutturale di un settore del Martin Crater (Marte), attraverso l'utilizzo di immagini HiRISE

Valerio Vivaldi (*) & Cesare Perotti (*)
(*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia.

Volume: 22/2012
Pages: 235-238


Structural analysis of the central sector of the Martin Crater (Mars), by interpretation of HiRISE images. The stereoscopic analysis of HiRISE images, with 0.25 m of spatial resolution, shows the central peak of the Martin Crater (in the Thaumasia region of Mars) is characterized by a clear bedding of two lithologies with different reflectance and competence. They can be hypothetically ascribed to basaltic lava flows and volcanoclastic or evaporitic rocks. In the study area, these rocks are intensively deformed, probably by an oblique meteoritic impact that gave rise to folds, faults and caused the formation of possible diapiric structures. The stereoscopic analysis of HiRISE images allowed also the calculation of the attitude of 13 strata and the realization of an accurate DEM of the study area.


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