Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 62/2024

An educational activity on Green Energy in virtual worlds

Michelina Occhioni1 & Eleonora Paris1
1School of Science and Technology, Geology Division, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy.
Corresponding author e-mail:

Volume: 62/2024
Pages: 52-58


A didactic activity using virtual worlds was created in a new island focused on sustainability, Ecocity, located in Techland, an Opensimulator-based virtual world. The aim of this activity was to draw students’ attention to the environmental impact of technology and energy production, in terms of carbon footprint of the manufacturing of common electronic devices and equipment for renewable energies. The activity was carried out with 28 K8 students (14 years old) from an Italian school, for a total of 30 hours in a four-months period. According to the students’ interests, the topic chosen was “systems and solutions to reduce carbon footprint in the urban context”. Using the Inquiry-based learning/Problem- based learning approach, students searched, found and organised information, building 3D objects to explain what they learned, such as solar panels and wind turbines. The activity outcomes were evaluated using the students’ knowledge test and final products: the students achieved good results and judged positively their experience, increasing their knowledge and awareness towards the need of energy transition to renewable sources and a more sustainable use of technology.


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